Session and Retreats

Sessions and Retreats

Registration Opens in:


Registration is CLOSED!

Click on the session link below!

STOP: Please read!

If the session you're looking for is sold out, please DO NOT make your payment under a different session, then fill out the registration form for the correct session. This is in place because we only have limited spots available and this messes up our inventory numbers. If you run into this, please contact Misty by call or text at (580) 230-8453. Thanks!

Registration is fully online this year and opens for all non-staff campers May 1st at 7pm. If you are staff, you will need to register through the link provided to your director.

** All registrants, including those applying for scholarships, must at least pay the $20 deposit for each camper.**


There are only a select number of spots available during our sessions. Click the session you'd like to register for: (you can only register for one session). The following links are for NON-STAFF registrations only. If you are STAFF, do not fill this registration out. Contact your director!

Mixed Session 1 - Jim Horner, director

Mixed Session 2 - Tom Barton, director

Mixed Session 3 - Chris Smith, director

Day Camp Registration - Kindergarten through 2nd


Labor Day Youth Retreat (Grades 6th-12th)

6th Annual New Year's Eve Lock-In (Grades 6th-12th) - CANCELLED for 2024

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